Research field introduction

Interdisciplinary Dentistry

We will develop clinical, educational, and research with the aim of developing holistic and comprehensive dental care that will satisfy patients.

In the “Department of General Dentistry”, we are developing a wide range of research on dental approaches and holistic dental treatment related to lifestyle-related diseases and systemic diseases with the goal of contributing to the maintenance of general health from oral health. Specifically, we are conducting several research themes such as clinical research on oral care effects in perioperative patients, research on oral function improvement for improving ADL in the elderly, research on the etiology of periodontal disease and periodontal disease bacteria, and basic research on oral tissue regeneration.

In the “Division of General Dentistry”, which is a clinical department of Kyushu University Hospital, the concept of dental treatment is the practice of holistic dental care and oral care. We provide comprehensive dental care tailored to the patient’s situation. Our department is one of the main departments in charge of medical and dental cooperation such as perioperative oral function management for inpatients.

In addition, we are mainly in charge of management and guidance of clinical training for dentists with the goal of developing dentists who will lead the future. We provide education as the first step in lifelong training, such as acquisition of dental treatment techniques, attitude as a dental professional, and multidisciplinary / regional cooperation.


Professor/Naohisa Wada

Professor/Naohisa Wada

Naohisa Wada
Toru Takarada
Assistant Professor
Tomomi Ohmaru
Assistant Professor
Teiichi Ibuki
Assistant Professor
Akira Haraguchi
Assistant Professor
Teppei Jinno
Assistant Professor
Hiromi Mitarai
Assistant Professor
Asuka Yuda
Associate Assistant Professor
Yuko Inai

Message to students

In recent years, dentistry has become diversified and fragmented. Thus, there is a need for a dentist who has comprehensive medical care ability and can examine patients from a wide range of perspectives. In our course, we are developing clinical, educational, and research on a wide range of topics from primary care to advanced dental treatment. We are focusing on the guidance and education of Ph.D candidates and dentists who can provide holistic and comprehensive dental care with logical thinking ability. We strongly support you in acquiring Ph.D, doctor of dentistry and certification while gaining research and clinical experiences.